How to Survive the Last Week of Mercury in Retrograde
If you’ve used social media at all recently, you’re surely aware Mercury is in retrograde. Every once in a while, the planet becomes our “scapegoat” for the miscommunications and misfortunes we experience. Why is that? milk + honey reached out to our Feng Shui Expert, Stacy Davenport, for tips on how to stay positive during the homestretch of this unpredictable time. Today, we’re sharing her advice for keeping it together for the last week of Mercury-in-retrograde.
At the Office
- Wipe down the surface of your desk and organize the items on the surface. You want to create visual quietness.
- Put files away into file cabinets.
- Bring fresh flowers and place them near your computer screen to absorb the energetic negativity.
At Home
- Sweep your entry area daily with the intention to clear away any energy that may be blocking your path in life.
- Dust all surfaces in your home, and while doing so, thank the space for providing you support for your life.
- Sweep the floors and vacuum the carpets, and while doing so, visualize that any dirt and dust be removed from your home; therefore, unblocking your path to fulfillment.
- Wash your bedding and towels with a ½ cup of sea salt. This clears any psychic and energetic debris that you’ve released while you’ve slept.
- Clear your car of unnecessary stuff and take it for a thorough cleaning at the car wash. Cars represent our emotional body.
- Have a beautiful bouquet of flowers in your home and place them where you can see them as you move about your home.
“The end of Mercury retrograde is a powerful time to complete the incompletes so the new energy can fully activate and flow blessings into your life.”
- Stacy Davenport
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