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4 Beauty Ingredients We're Obsessed With Right Now

4 Beauty Ingredients We're Obsessed With Right Now

It’s no secret that we’re all about top-notch ingredients at milk + honey. In fact, our product team even has a “yes/no” list to highlight ingredients we love and of course, steer us away from ingredients we’ll never use. While we are certainly careful about what we leave out of our products, we're even more excited about the powerful and effective ingredients we do use. Keep this ingredient knowledge in your back pocket so next time you indulge in some skincare shopping, you’ll remember to say a big “yes” to each.


1. Bakuchiol

Oh Bakuchiol, where can I even start? Nicknamed "Nature's retinol," Bakuchiol is derived from the leaves and seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant aka the "babchi" plant and has long been utilized in Ayurvedic practices as well as Chinese medicine. It’s featured in our Bakuchiol Treatment and once you try it, you’ll know why it’s nicknamed “Nature’s retinol.” This product makes a huge difference in my skin — I’ve noticed less redness and experienced little to no breakouts (huge for me) while using it. It also strengthens the skin for a healthy cell turnover, so my skin has been noticeably bouncier and glowy since I’ve incorporated it into my routine. Bonus points because it can be used along with retinol, so there’s no pressure to choose between the two. | Shop Bakuchiol Treatment.


2. Hyaluronic Acid

Many skincare fans will already be familiar with this beloved ingredient, and for good reason. It’s super powerful — in fact, it holds 1000x its weight in water. That means it can attract and retain moisture in your skin better than many other ingredients. Hyaluronic acid can do wonders for your skin topically or when ingested. Some of our favorite ways to incorporate hyaluronic acid include supplements, face mists, sheet masks, and more.


3. Methylsulfonylmethane

This ingredient is my favorite example to bust the “if you can’t pronounce it…'' clean beauty myth for once and for all. I loved learning about MSM from the milk + honey product team because it’s an ingredient we stand by so much that we use it in our bodycare and skincare products. It stimulates collagen production (sign me up) and can be a really relieving ingredient for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and dermatitis.


4. Phytonadione

Even if “phytonadione” doesn’t sound familiar, it will still likely be a welcome ingredient to your skin. Why? Well, it's just another word for a type of Vitamin K. Research has found Vitamin K to be an extremely healing ingredient. Vitamin K is found in countless products, but we especially love it in our Eye Cream since it can help diminish the appearance of dark under-eye circles.

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